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Rubicon Publications

Trends in Life Sciences

Trends in Life Sciences

£ 30.00

Chief Editor:Dr SS Hundal and Dr Jatinderpal Singh
Publication Year:2025
Binding:Paper Back


Trends in the Life Sciences is a comprehensive resource for scientific community and we are hopeful that it will serve as an all-inclusive “one-stop” guide to the budding professionals for research-intensive components. The book lays the foundations for future specialists by covering all the basics of scientific communication which follows a logical progression for successful scientific careers. The text includes detailed discussions of the main scientific documents in the form of scientific research, literature reviews and review articles.

The book has twenty chapters providing a comprehensive coverage of multitudinous disciplines of research trends in life sciences. There is the coverage of a wide range of topics – epigenetics, extracellular matrix remodeling for cancers, immune regulation, nano-world in biological sciences, bioacoustics in avian studies, intensive agriculture and bird diversity, environmental pollutants in ecosystems, aquaculture and sustainable development, remote sensing and biofuel technology. The chapters are critical from a conceptual standpoint with the theme enforcing a research thrust. The book is general in nature and brings out the learning from the writings of others, rings familiarity with the nuances and enhances continued research advances. Trends in Life Sciences brings out the change in direction needed to benefit from the knowledge base created by the scientists. On the must read list.